Fire Bride A Reverse Harem Dragon Fantasy from Ava Sinclair.
The Sequel to Sacrifice
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One woman. Four dominant dragon lords whose desire is only for her. An enemy that threatens all they hold dear.
War is coming. After hundreds of years of sleep, the ShadowFell Dragons seeks revenge on the Drakoryans, the shifter race that drove them far from the Drakoryan Empire. And this time, the huge night dragons have their sights set on a prize they must not be allowed to claim. They covet the Drakoryan's humanity, and seek the deep magic, and with it, the key to victory.
My mates seek to protect me from the awful reality, from what's coming. They urge me to focus on running the household, on pleasing their insatiable sexual appetites. They tell me that war is of no concern for a woman.
But I am no ordinary woman. I am a Fire Bride, and when I learn that human villages are coming under attack, the protectiveness of my mates threatens our bond. I was never supposed to return to the village, but not even an army of dragon lords can stop me from saving those I love.
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Lyla says nothing as she turns to the next page of the book. This one depicts the largest of the ShadowFell, his long neck arched. He’s sitting on a mountain peak, his mighty wings spread, his tail curled around the rocks.
“The ShadowFell king.” I try to keep my voice level as I gaze at the image in the book before me. “He has no spoken name in the human tongue. Only his kind can call him, in their own language.”
“Can you speak ShadowFell?”
“There is no communicating with them. They are a species apart.”
“Is it because you are half human?”
It is a good question. “Yes. But our disadvantage is our advantage. It is better to communicate with men than dragons. The serving class has been crucial when we’ve had to fight the ShadowFell, and as humans, we can call upon the powers of magic through the witches. We have the regenerative pools to refresh us for battle, prophecy to warn us of battle…”
“Prophecy?” She excitedly repeats the word, and I silently curse myself for giving too much away. “Have you been warned of a coming battle?”
“Lyla…” I shut the book. In my mind’s eye, I can imagine a war, imagine her in danger. Fear rises within me like bile. “I don’t want to speak of such a horrible thing.”
“Why?” she asks. Then she steps back, studying me. “By the gods, Imryth. You’re afraid.” Her words are tinged with disbelief.
“Stop!” For the first time, I’m angry with her. “It is not right to intrude into my thoughts like that.”
“I wasn’t prying into your mind, Imryth. I hardly have to. I can feel your fear.”
My heart sinks in my chest. “You’ll think less of me now,” I say. “You’ll think me less of a protector.”
Lyla reaches down, takes my hand, and brings it to her lips, so petal-soft on my skin. “No.” She stares at me with loving eyes. “If anything, I think you stronger than all your brothers combined, for you are not afraid to show me your true self.
She pauses for a moment. “I was afraid, Imryth. I still went to Altar Rock because I had to. I stood there and waited for the dragon, even though I believed it would rip me asunder. I was afraid the whole time. It is not weakness to be afraid. If anything, those who face danger despite fear are far braver than those who face it with arrogance.”
She looks around the library. “Have you ever thought of making love in here?”
The question takes me by surprise. “Here? Among the books? No!”
“Why?” The corner of her mouth curls into a small, seductive smile. “Are you afraid the ghosts of the old masters who penned these books will see our wanton deeds from these hallowed shelves?” Lyla puts her finger on my chest and trails it slowly downward until she hooks it in the top of my belt.
She inhales deeply, then stands on tiptoes to whisper in my ear. “The smell of books and scrolls makes me wet.”
She’s a sorceress. I’m convinced of it. She knows just the right things to say to weave a spell with words to make a hard man even harder. Lyla turns and bends over the table.
“If you take me from behind,” she says, “we can read while we fuck.”
I can’t get my cock out fast enough. I came in here to study, but my seductive mate has driven all capacity for thought from my brain. All I can think of is sinking my cock into her quivering warmth, of pleasing her.
And I always please her. She moans as my shaft slides into her pussy. And then a second appendage moves forward like a finger, pressing and rubbing her clit as I begin to move with slow, easy strokes. I look down, mesmerized by the perfect globes of her ass, by how easily her little body takes my cock, by how tightly she pulsates me.
It becomes a battle of wills. I can feel her using her love muscle, gripping me, pulling as if to coax my climax before I can make her come. And while I may be the most indulgent among my brothers, I will not give Lyla her way in this. I will make her come. I will make her come first and hard.
I press the tip of my smaller appendage against her clit. It begins vibrating. She’s squirming and mewling, and I grasp her hips, holding her still as I begin to pound her hard. She’s gripping the table, moving back to meet my thrusts. She reaches back between my legs to fondle my balls, the little minx. I will my cock to swell and ripple so that her pussy is thoroughly filled and stimulated as the smaller appendage flutters against her clit. Lyla is mewling now, losing control. She’s lost this fight, but I suspect she planned to all along.
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About the Author: Variety is the spice of life and Ava Sinclair writes a little something for everyone, from dark romance to menage to kinky AF age play. But the one thing that is consistent in her books are strong storylines, alpha males, and strong women whose hearts and bodies aren't given up without a fight.
Ava lives in southern Virginia, where she enjoys hoarding books, hiking, running, spoiling her cats, and spending time with her Eurasian eagle owl, Lucius.
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