Review: ReWined: Volume 3 (Party Ever After #3) by Kim Karr

There are three guaranteed ways to ruin a perfectly unstable marriage…

1. Tell your beautiful new bride she’s the devil.
2. Tie one on and don’t come home.
3. Oh, and let’s not forget, uncover family secrets that rock both your worlds.

I really need a rewind because now my temporary wife is pissed as hell and wants a quickie divorce.

Wooing her is my plan.
Sending flowers, writing love notes, and even serenading her are some of the sure-fire methods I learned from watching her favorite romantic comedies.
In all of those films, one grand gesture leads to the woman falling at her man’s feet cueing sappy music and epic make-up sex.
Too bad my girl isn’t following the script.

Short of riding in on a white horse, I’m at a loss of how to win her back.
Every girl dreams of a Prince Charming. Right?
Well, I can redefine myself and turn this party boy into one.
She insists it’s impossible.
I disagree.

My opinion:
Tyler Holiday with his reckless behavior and with the help of a misunderstanding had managed to drive Paris away from him. This time he had to find how to grovel so she could forgive him. Paris had enough with his screw ups so her friend decided to create an addendum to the original contract so the marriage would be saved. True to his word Tyler was trying hard to win her over. Flowers and serenading didn't soften her at all so he had to change his tactic and let his guard down. Both of them had to put a lot of effort into this relationship but in the end, it was worth it. They lived happily with their family and Highway Jane.

The final book of the ReWined series. A dramatic romantic comedy filled with sexy moments and secrets. In this one, we see in what depths both characters go to save their relationship and their business. Also, huge secrets were revealed that helped them understand and move on. My favorite part was his surprise to her. This book has a few x-rated scenes so it's for the adult audience. I liked the whole series a lot and I will rate it with 4,5 stars.  

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