Title: No Strings
Author: Mila Hart
Genre: Erotic Romance
Cover Design: Vanilla Lily Designs
Release Date: June 5, 2019
Cover Design: Vanilla Lily Designs
Release Date: June 5, 2019
I had decided a long time ago that the guy who put a ring on my fingerwould be one that checked every box on my list.
✓ Looks
✓ Money
✓ Social Standing
Some sexy fireman was not going to change anything. Drunk or not, I knewto keep my feelings locked up tight with men who didn’t meet that standard.
Taking a prim princess home for the night was a safe bet. She’d wake upto her mistake, realizing I didn’t live in a mansion or sleep on twelve-hundredthread-count sheets. It never failed, she—whoever it was that night— boltedbefore I’d even had a chance to stretch.
Wham bam, thank you, ma’am. No strings attached.
...Until Brayleigh.
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Author Bio
It all started with two whores...
MILA HART writes cheeky, erotic quickies.
We have a ton of amazingly sexy stories coming your way.
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