Title: Tied to Hope
Series: Brie's Submission #18
Series: Brie's Submission #18
Author: Red Phoenix
Genre: New Adult BDSM Romance
Cover Design: Shanoff Designs
Cover Design: Shanoff Designs
Release Date: October 15, 2019
“Welcome me home…”
I am deeper in love with Thane after the birth of our child,
and I can’t believe the plans he has for our future. This is the stuff dreams
are made of!
My joy is doubled when Rytsar Durov returns as a conquering
In the midst of such bliss, a dark secret surfaces that has
the power to tear our world apart.
Love has always been the cornerstone my submissive journey,
and now I must make a heartbreaking choice.
What would you sacrifice for love?
Over Two Million readers have enjoyed Red’s stories.
USA Today Bestselling Author Red Phoenix is an award-winning romance author who gained popularity with her series, Brie's Submission.
She also happens to be a submissive in real life and began
writing Brie’s story so people everywhere could find out just how fun BDSM can
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