REVERE, A Legacy Novel
by Bethany-Kris Cross + Catherine, #2 Publication Date: November 6, 2017 Genres: Adult, Adult, Contemporary Romance, Mafia
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A Legacy Novel
She was once his liar. He was once her savior.
Cross Donati fills his days with the mafia, family, and responsibility. The wild boy is a distant memory. A waiting prince now sits in his place. An old debt puts the gunrunner right back into the path of his past, but he only sees his future.
Every king needs a queen.
Catherine Marcello learned how to stand on her own, and she no longer needs saving. The sly girl is far more dangerous now. A broken promise taught her how to live again. One conversation puts the hustler face to face with her first love, but she only sees heartache.
Every God needs a prayer.
The scars of their history runs deep. Every lie told, and each secret spilled hurts a little bit more.
Love does not care. Love will not wait.
So, why does life keep standing in the way?
Revere is A Legacy Novel. While it can be read as a follow up to Always, it can also be read as a standalone novel.
Excerpt #1 –
didn’t answer me. How have you been, babe?”
been okay,” she replied.
smiled, but he thought maybe she was only saying that for his benefit. “Still
running for your cousin?”
had always been good at three things: loving him, hustling drugs, and lying.
Cross doubted much of that changed.
you are. Why else would you be here?”
waved at her plate. “Delicious food.”
Before he could think better of it, Cross
reached across the table and grabbed Catherine’s hand. The dozens of bangles on
her wrist jingled against the tabletop. He found her skin was still soft, warm,
and all his. He squeezed her hand and ran the pad of his thumb across her
knuckles. Her fingers trembled just a second before she tugged her hand away.
do that, Cross,” Catherine said.
didn’t want him to see the way she hid her hands from his sight. It was too
late; he couldn’t possibly miss it. Only once in their long relationship had
Cross truly missed something Catherine wanted to hide from him, and it had been
their ruin.
was never going to make that mistake again.
as stubborn as ever, I see.”
liked it,” she retorted, unable to stop her grin.
might still.”
eyes widened. “Excuse me?”
are you doing this weekend?”
was going to get his ass shot.
had been warned.
didn’t drop his gaze, or move an inch.
out with me,” he said.
didn’t blink. “Um.”
on, Catty, you always had a quick response for everything I or anyone else ever
said. Don’t disappoint me now.”
hey.” A man wearing a chef’s jacket that Cross didn’t recognize—and didn’t
fucking care to—strolled up to their table. He wore a cocked eyebrow and an
irritating smile. Cross considered stabbing the man with the knife on the table
just because he interrupted. That shit was rude. “Andino was asking if you were
still here. He wants you to head back to the office for a few.”
blinked up at the man, clearly recognizing him. Cross certainly didn’t like the
way the man looked at Catherine like the two were … familiar.
didn’t know.
would bet the man certainly wouldn’t want to know what he would do to him if he
did know.
is this, Catherine?” the guy asked. “You haven’t mentioned having a friend.”
didn’t miss the man’s resentment in his words. Definitely something there, he thought. He met the man’s gaze for a
brief second, and then dropped it just as fast. Whoever the fuck he was, the
guy wasn’t important to Cross.
for letting me know about Andino, Jamie.” Catherine let out a sigh, and stood
from the table leaving her unfinished plate and Cross behind. “Cross, it was
nice seeing you.”
smiled and murmured, “Likewise, Catherine.”
stiffened a bit. Something that looked a hell of a lot like memories flashed in
her eyes. Then, she was gone.
the irritating chef, stayed behind. “Can I help you?”
Cross said with a flick of his wrist, “by fucking off somewhere.”
said what I said, so go.”
don’t know who the fuck you are, but—”
does, so run back and let him know I’m here.”
who are you exactly?”
Donati.” He looked up at Jamie and smirked. “Or you might know me as the reason
you couldn’t keep Catherine interested long enough to get anywhere good.”
face whitened.
flicked his wrist again. “Now do as I said, and fuck off somewhere.”
man fucked off.
ALWAYS, A Legacy Novel
by Bethany-Kris Cross + Catherine, #1 Publication Date: October 2, 2017 Genres: Adult, Contemporary Romance, Coming of Age, Mafia
Amazon: (#FREE with #KindleUnlimited)
A Legacy Novel
A wild boy. A sly girl.
Cross Donati defines trouble. He does what he wants because he’s never known anything different. He’s unapologetic, and he owns it.
Catherine Marcello is every bit a good girl … on the outside. Her entire world is a legacy, and she lives it. She’s curious, and she’s exploring it.
She chases bad things. He never learned to be good.
They’re late nights, stolen cars, first times, fist fights, leather jackets, beaches, bloody smiles, and life. They’re vicious and precious, dangerous and harmless, innocence and sin. They are love.
Love is killing for someone. Love is living for someone.
Sometimes, you can’t keep saving your heart when it means sacrificing it, too. Sometimes, you have to learn to save yourself. Sometimes, love has to fall, crash, and burn.
This is what love is like when you’re a principe and principessa della mafia. This is what love is like when you’re Cross Donati and Catherine Marcello.
Always is a Legacy Novel, and while it is standalone, it can also act as a prequel for Revere. Each Legacy Novel stands alone from any other book, series, or collection.
Catherine giggled. Her amusement faded fast. Like the second Hugh grabbed her arm in a tight grip, and stopped her from walking further.
“Last name?” he asked again.
She tugged her arm to free it from his grasp, but he didn’t let go. She looked down at his hand pointedly. “That’s a no.”
“Shit, what’s your problem? I’m just asking who the hell—”
“Let me go,” Catherine said.
She was polite.
It was the only warning he was going to get.
“Tell me your name, then.”
“This isn’t a tit for tat,” Catherine replied. “I said no, and that means—”
Catherine didn’t even see the fist coming before it smashed into Hugh’s face. Hugh let go of Catherine’s arm with a holler, and she almost tripped over her gladiator-style sandals in an effort to jump back.
“Means fucking no,” the guy Catherine had been admiring earlier said, as he stood over a now bleeding Hugh. “Coach said to move your ass, so move, Hugh. Stop bothering girls—didn’t you get enough of that shit last year?”
“Donati!” someone yelled from the field.
“Jesus Christ, Cross,” Liliana muttered.
That was all Hugh got out before he kicked out a leg and dropped Cross to the ground. In full football gear, but for the helmets, the two boys started laying into one another. Each fist smacking into a body or gear made Catherine cringe. She was pretty sure someone was bleeding, too, in between cursing and name calling. The players and coaches on the field started heading their way fast.
“Okay, time to go,” Liliana said, making sure to tug Catherine along.
She kept up with her cousin easily enough.
First day, and already starting fights.
Yeah, she really missed her old school.
“Donati did you a favor there,” Liliana said as they came closer to the school.
“Who?” Catherine asked, peering back over her shoulder.
“Donati. Cross Donati.”
That surname seemed familiar to Catherine, but she couldn’t quite pull out why.
“Hugh is a creep,” Liliana said, oblivious to Catherine’s confusion. “He doesn’t understand the word no, and if you ask the right girls, they’ll all tell you not to leave a drink unattended when he’s around. Seriously, Cross did you a favor.”
She couldn’t help but look back over her shoulder.
Catherine found a pair of dark eyes looking in her direction before they locked onto hers.
Cross Donati.
His fist crashed down into Hugh’s bloody face one more time before the coach reached the fighting boys, and pulled them apart. He was still staring after Catherine, though.
Cross smiled at her, then, showing off white teeth stained red by his bloody mouth. He didn’t seem a bit bothered by it, really. She smiled back.
Catherine thought, years from then, when people asked …
She would say that was when she fell in love with Cross.
Black hair.
Dark eyes.
Bruised knuckles.
Bloody mouth.
All the while, he smiled at her.
And she smiled back.
That was when she fell in love with Cross Donati.
Even if she hadn’t known it then.
Bethany-Kris is a Canadian author, lover of much, and mother to three young sons, one cat, and two dogs. A small town in Eastern Canada where she was born and raised is where she has always called home. With her boys under her feet, snuggling cat, barking dogs, and a hubby calling over his shoulder, she is nearly always writing something … when she can find the time.
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